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Monday, May 26, 2003

I Am Boring, or Crazy

I remember three dreams from last night. In the first, I was reading a movie review. The movie looked interesting. Some kid star (male) had had enough of his kiddie stardom and decided to make some nihilistic sex and violence fest. But the point is not that I was dreaming up some weird movie. The point is that I was dreaming I was reading a review of a movie. I even dreamed that damn snarky reviewer tone of voice.

Then I had a dream where I was trying to fold some paper around some DVD/game boxes in a certain way, and failing. Over and over. That's the sort of dream that you have in Stage 3 sleep, before REM sleep, I learned in psychology class. It's also the sort of dream to make reading movie reviews interesting.

Finally, I had a regular sort of dream, where me and a bunch of friends were meeting together in some sort of mass gathering for the purposes of a revolution, I think. Across the . . . stadium, I guess, I saw this girl who I kind of knew from school. I decided she was an enemy and aimed my pistol that had a sniper scope at her. My people took her captive, and after all sorts of posturing, which involved lots of threating with weapons and I was involved in, she decided to join us. In my brain, she became one of the 108 people who needed to join my rebellious army to defeat whatever. For those of you aren't "in the know," this is roughly the plot of a series of video games called Suikoden, which I have played many times. The moral of the story, anyway, is twofold: First of all, I'm violent in my dreams. Which is frightening to me. Second of all, I dream in videogame.

- Unknown, 11:39 PM
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