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Thursday, May 29, 2003

First-Person Sneaker

So I seem mostly set for this apartment that, for my price range, can only be described as fantastic. I mean, it has a dishwasher, and a washer and dryer, inside the apartment. Not just the building. In my room. I can afford it, etc, there's just one tiny hitch. It's under the table. Subletting not allowed. Which is fine by me in a theoretical sense. The management gets paid the same amount. Their rules are arbitrary. Big deal.

It's the practical side that bothers me. They have a doorman. What's more, on my way out, I saw a manager hanging out with the doorman, watching people. So, in a practical sense, it's a lot of pressure not to get caught being there *every day*, screwing over the person giving me the great deal, screwing over myself. Even if that were a breeze, I'm not sure I'd like to spend three months worrying about that. Stress is something I rather like to avoid.
- Unknown, 12:05 AM
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